The Fall Feasts Of Israel.




   Please note: All the blue highlighted scriptures are linked to to read online if you click on them.



























The feast of tabernacles, 15th day of the seventh month is when the temple of Ezekiel will be erected. The tares will be thrown into the fire of hell (Matthew 13:24:40), The judgment of the living nations at the time of the return of Messiah to the earth where their flesh will be burned and their souls, which was the breath of God originally breathed into the nostrils of Adam the first man (Genesis 2:7),  are reserved for the final judgment at the end of the one thousand year reign of Christ. At the end of the Millennium age (Rev 20:11-15). When death and hell will be cast into the lake of fire which contains every soul that has rejected God’s way (Revelation 20:14) and every angelic host that rejected God’s way (Matthew 25:41). The soul that sins shall die (Ezekiel 18:4). Jesus the second Adam came from above (1Corinthians 15:47) and if we desire to be in Him we need to be born again from above John 3:3 John 3:7. If we are not born again from above we will not see John 3:3 or enter (Except we are born of water and of the Spirit (John 3:5) the kingdom of God. This is part of the natural law ordained by God through nature. What is earthly will return to the earth and what is heavenly will return to heaven. The first man was made from the dust of the earth and from there he will return but the second man came from heaven and was made a quickening spirit (1Corinthians 15:45) and there He/Jesus has returned to and will return from (Acts 1:11). The earth rejected Jesus because He was not from her at His death and therefore was resurrected by the power of the Holy Spirit as those in Him shall also. (John 1:14). In conclusion the Sun at the return of Christ Jesus at the feast of Tabernacles will be at the end of the age of the sixth sign that we understand in the west as Leo; the twelfth month of the prophetic calendar and the sixth month of the civil calendar in the first day of the new moon of Ethanim/September Gregorian the first month of the prophetic calendar and the seventh month of the civil calendar six thousand years after creation week. According to (Acts 1:6-7). However, the exact day and year of the Lords return is unknown (Math 24:36)...